Alison Williams headshot

A Wake Up Call to the Maternal Health Crisis With Alison Williams

Is enough being done to ensure the well-being of mothers during AND after pregnancy? Today on “Why Am I Just Finding This Out?” Kristin is opening the discussion with Alison Willaims.


In this episode, host Kristin Stovern, APRN-C, MSN, CNM, FACNM, sits with Alison Williams, MBA-HCM, RN, BSN, CPHQ, LSSGB, the Vice President of Clinical Quality Improvement Missouri Hospital Association. Alison’s initiative focuses on implementing evidence-based practices, fostering collaboration among clinicians, patient advocates, and community organizations, and addressing health disparities that disproportionately affect vulnerable populations.


Alison shed light on the escalating maternal mortality rates and poor outcomes for mothers within the first year of childbirth, as highlighted by recent data. The discussion delved into the importance of a holistic approach to care, recognizing that patients often face multifaceted challenges beyond clinical care. Factors like access to transportation, social support, mental health services, and postpartum care play pivotal roles in a woman’s well-being.


Together, both Kristin and Alison emphasize the significance of equity-centered, trauma-informed care. This approach involves understanding patients’ individual experiences, avoiding preconceived biases, and truly listening to their needs.


By combining clinical excellence with compassion and a commitment to holistic care, healthcare professionals and stakeholders can collectively work toward a brighter future for maternal health, ensuring healthier moms, families, and communities. Tune in to learn more.


Get in touch with Alison Williams.

Call: 573-893-3700 | ext. 1326



The recent data for the perinatal Associated Mortality Review Board:


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